
A friend of mine referred me to Lisa. I had not seen him in a few months and I could tell he was doing something different. I asked him what he was doing and he began to rave about meeting Lisa and what a difference she has made with his health. So I decided to give Lisa a call. Met with Lisa and told her several of the ways I’ve tried in the past to improve my health through diet. She suggested a book for me to read, and gave me a very simple, easy to follow list of foods to avoid. She also told me about an app that would allow me to track my eating habits and my results. After the first ten days I could tell this was exactly what I was looking for. My mind has cleared up, able to focus much better, zero cravings, sleeping better, and I do not get tired during the middle of the day. It feels like I have regained the enthusiasm for life that I had in my 20’s and 30’s. I’m now fueling my body with the food that it was designed to use. The terrific results make it that much easier to stay on track and work to erase the bad habits while cultivating good ones.


Together, my husband and I have lost over 70 pounds working with Lisa Garrett.  The weight loss is great in itself but the quality of life is an added bonus.  We had both struggled with weight issues for most of our lives, trying various diets over the years without much sustained success.  We are in our 50s and felt at the end of our ropes—would we ever beat the weight problems that always seemed to bog down our lives and was surely affecting our health?  At our first meeting with Lisa, she gave us information that we had never heard before, educated us on real food and energized us.  It is not a “diet” in the traditional sense but a whole new way of thinking about food choices and it made SENSE in a world of crazy food options, many of which are not really food at all!  Yes, it was challenging at times but we have endured, kept the weight off and keep moving forward in our journey.  We wish we could have implemented Lisa’s healthy eating practices much earlier in our lives.  We are very grateful to Lisa for her knowledge, counsel and inspiration.  She has truly changed our lives for the better!

J and C

I have been working with Lisa on my nutrition and fitness goals for several years.  Lisa has helped me make adjustments in my nutrition and I have had great results.  I have osteoporosis and for the past four years I have had no significant bone density loss. (I am 64).  I have no joint pain and have gained more muscle.   I have always been someone who has exercised, but I truly believe nutrition comes first and is the key to a healthier lifestyle.  I have more energy in my workouts, daily activities and I sleep better.  I cannot thank Lisa enough for the nutrition advice and knowledge she has given me to continue my journey.  – Diane


Lisa truly knows her stuff and has helped me immensely with my nutrition.  I have learned to eat food that fuels me so I don’t feel hungry all the time. My life and my job are very “on-the-go” and Lisa has helped tremendously with ideas of healthy snacks for me to eat throughout the day. I’ve learned what carb to fat to protein ratio I should be eating to effectively fuel me while also maintaining my weight. For me the key is eating enough calories from fat and protein and Lisa has taught me how to do that. She also helps me understand the “why”. It’s so important! I’m not just following a diet plan–it’s personalized stuff that helps me. And she works with me until we get it right. Lisa helped me maintain a healthy weight and energy-level throughout my entire pregnancy! Not easy when many foods didn’t sound good. I am now better at exercising appropriately and taking rest days when needed thanks to Lisa–she follows the rule of “moderation” in all areas of life.


In all my years of medical practice telling people to eat less and exercise more for weight loss worked NOT ONCE. But having them eat to satiety with the proper food allowed them unfettered weight loss free from all negative stereotypes of dieting. What a gift.  Keep up the good work.


Lisa is fabulous!  She started me off with small changes to my diet that had big impact, which encouraged me both to keep going and to make even more changes.  She helped me to see the relationship between what I ate and how I felt…and now I feel wonderful!  There were so many aches and pains and annoyances that I thought just came with getting older, but are now gone since Lisa cleaned up my eating.  She is both a coach and a cheerleader, helping me make improvements, cheering my successes, and encouraging me back to the plan when I’ve strayed from the course.  My original goal in seeing Lisa was to lose weight, hoping that taking some of the stress off my body would give me more time before it broke down completely.  She has given me so much more than that!  I have lost weight and am still working on that, but my overall wellness has improved in ways that I never expected.


Lisa’s nutritional knowledge is evident in all of her recommendations and plans. She asked a lot of questions about my lifestyle and preferences, which resulted in a very manageable plan. She teaches about nutrition and healthy habits without condemnation, which makes it easier to embrace her recommendations. She takes a holistic approach, and taught me to view health and well-being from a new perspective. From balanced food choices to vitamins, and from exercises to recipes, Lisa helped me put my health on an informed path, with reachable goals.


We are a small group of moms that have been meeting regularly with Lisa for the past 2 1/2 years.  Our group started with the goal of becoming educated about what we were eating and how it affected our bodies.  It has evolved into a lifestyle change not only for ourselves, but for our families.  We have noticed significant changes in our energy levels and our overall health.  Knowledge is power and we can say we’ve been better educated and more in control of our health and quality of life.

Karla, Kathleen and Kathy

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